GES Assists Clients with ESG Initiatives

As an active member of the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC), GES can assist your company develop, implement, and attain WHC Conservation Certification for a wildlife conservation project for one of your properties or remediation projects. A wide range of projects that benefit the natural community (think habitat, species, educational, green remediation and infrastructure) are eligible for certification.
What are the benefits of receiving WHC certification?
- Contributes to financial, employee retention, and community relations goals
- Helps raise public perception of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) activities
- Provides objective evaluation and metrics for reporting ESG activities
- Green brand recognition can increase sales and attract investors
GES is in pursuit of a WHC certificate for a project designed to enhance wildlife habitats at a capped landfill site. Working with a local Boy Scout Troop, GES built and installed duck boxes, blue bird boxes, pollinator boxes and turtle logs, and assessed the wetland and grassland habitats. By undertaking this project, our client has benefited from positive community engagement, social media promotion, increased ESG scores, carbon credits, and cost savings derived from less mowing.