Compliance, Emissions Inventory, and Stack Testing at a Manufacturing Facility

Manufacturing facility
Metalizing process

GES’ air quality team assisted with regulatory compliance issues, emissions inventory, and stack emissions testing at a manufacturing facility in New Jersey that uses a metalizing process that applies a thin film of a shiny metallic film between several layers of  protective coatings on the surface of non-metallic objects. The process uses a highly soluble silver nitrate solution in a spray booth application. Silver nitrate is listed on both the Right to Know Hazardous Substance List and Special Health Hazard  Substance List in New Jersey. The venting process resulted in the deposition of silver nitrate on the roof and onto the property. Precipitation carried the silver nitrate to the stormwater outfall. Our team specified and coordinated emissions testing, including particle size distribution, to identify pollution control device options and prepare technical equipment specifications and performed a detailed process material balance for annual air emissions compliance reporting. This successful project was completed by closely collaborating with the process supervisor to ensure a full understanding of the process itself and the permitting and compliance needs.